Unbreakable Men Club: Break Up Advice For Man

How Can You Get Over Someone

Written by Alberto Casuso | Feb 21, 2025 3:46:17 PM

Let me hammer this into your head: your brain is a junkie right now, and learning how to get over someone is like going through withdrawal. Raw, brutal, chemical withdrawal that's tearing you apart from the inside. Your mind is screaming for that next hit of love, leaving you shaking with anxiety and drowning in sadness.

Here's the cold, hard truth: You're not broken. You're detoxing. Those sleepless nights? Those racing thoughts that won't shut up? That's your brain fighting to rewire itself after someone ripped out all the circuits. And guess what? It's supposed to hurt like hell.

Stop beating yourself up for feeling like you're losing your mind. Your heart formed bonds deeper than steel, and now they're snapped like twigs. But here's the thing - you're not dying, even though it feels like it. You're just going through the necessary hell of rebuilding yourself.

Ready for the wake-up call you need? Good. Because I'm about to drag you out of this emotional quicksand - no sugar-coating, no fairy tales, just the brutal path back to sanity. It won't be pretty, but it'll work. And right now, that's all that matters.

Why It Hurts Like Your Soul Is Being Ripped Apart

Your brain isn't just sad - it's going through chemical warfare right now. Think those tears are just emotional weakness? Think again. Your mind is rewiring, and it feels like someone's taking a blowtorch to your neural circuits.

The Raw Science of Your Pain

Let me break down this hell you're in. Your brain got hooked on love's chemical cocktail - oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, the whole damn pharmacy. Now that drug supply's been cut off, and you're in full withdrawal mode. You're not just heartbroken - you're detoxing.

Here's the brutal truth that'll make you feel less crazy: when you see your ex's photo, your brain lights up like someone's pressing a hot iron to your skin. That's not poetic bullshit - that's science. Your brain processes rejection like a physical threat to your survival.

Hell, they even found people whose hearts started failing from breakup pain. No previous health issues, just pure emotional devastation strong enough to shut down their cardiac system. Still think I'm being dramatic about the pain?

Why They're Haunting Your Every Damn Thought

Do you know that voice that won't shut up about them? The one that's playing your relationship highlights on repeat like some twisted Greatest Hits album? Here's why: your brain's trapped in an obsessive loop, thinking about them for 85% of your waking hours.

Think about that - 85 fucking percent of your day spent mentally chasing someone who walked away. But here's why you can't just "get over it":

  1. Your brain's addicted to them like a junkie to heroin. You're getting hit with:
    • Desperate cravings for contact
    • Soul-crushing emotional dependence
    • Physical pain that feels like withdrawal

Your mind built thousands of neural pathways around them, like roots growing through concrete. Now you've got to tear out every single one. No wonder you feel like you're losing your mind.

And if you've got anxious attachment issues or past relationship trauma? You're in for an even rougher ride. Your brain's screaming "danger!" because being alone feels like death. That's your caveman brain talking - the part that thinks social rejection equals getting eaten by a saber-toothed tiger.

Here's the wake-up call you need: This pain isn't weakness. It's your brain and body fighting through the biggest reconstruction project of your life. So stop beating yourself up for hurting. You're not broken - you're rebuilding from the ground up. The question is: Will you let this pain destroy you, or will you use it to become stronger?

Face the Brutal Truth You're Avoiding

Let's cut through the bullshit you're feeding yourself. Your mind's playing tricks on you, rewriting history like some desperate Hollywood director. Studies show you're cherry-picking all the good memories while conveniently forgetting the crap that tore you apart. Psychologists call this rosy retrospection, and it's keeping you trapped in a prison of your own making.

Stop Living in Your Fantasy World

You're sitting there replaying highlight reels of your relationship like it's your favorite movie. Wake up. That perfect love story you're clinging to? It's fiction. Time for tough questions: How much of that happiness was real, and how much did you imagine? Write down five things that were absolute garbage about your relationship. This isn't about being negative - it's about pulling your head out of the clouds.

Accept That It's Dead and Buried

Here's the cold, hard truth you're running from: everything you planned together, every promise, every dream - it's gone. You're acting like an addict because guess what? That's precisely what you are. Your brain's hooked on a person who isn't coming back.

The longer you fight this reality, the longer you'll stay stuck in this emotional quicksand. It's not just about losing them - it's about watching all those plans become ash. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can start rebuilding from the wreckage.

Kill Your False Hope

Let me hammer this into your skull: they're not going to:

  • Magically transform into your perfect partner
  • Wake up one day realizing they made a huge mistake
  • Change years of behavior patterns overnight

You're clinging to these fantasies like a life raft, but they're an anchor dragging you down. Why do we torture ourselves with false hope? Because facing reality hurts like hell. But here's the thing - that pain you're avoiding? It's the price of admission for moving forward.

Stop obsessing over their transformation and focus on your damn growth. Every time you dream about reconciliation, remember that real hope isn't about them changing - it's about you becoming stronger without them.

Sure, denial feels safer. It's comfortable. But it's also killing any chance at real happiness—it's time to rip off the band-aid and face reality. The truth hurts, but living in a fantasy land slowly spoils your future.

Cut All Contact (And I Mean Every Damn Bit of It)

Let me hammer this into your head: you must completely cut them out of your life. Not partially, not mostly - completely. Studies show that every little crumb of contact keeps your stress hormones sky-high and blocks your healing. You're not doing yourself any favors by keeping those pathetic little connections alive.


Block Them Everywhere - No Exceptions

Social media is your worst enemy right now. Every time you check their profile, you're shooting yourself up with stress hormones that keep you stuck. Here's what you need to do right now - not tomorrow, not next week, but right fucking now:

  • Block them on every social platform
  • Delete them from all messaging apps
  • Mute their stories and posts
  • Stop stalking them through mutual friends' profiles

You may think blocking is too extreme. Bullshit. Research proves it's necessary for your sanity. That whole "I'll just unfollow them" game? Stop lying to yourself. You know you'll keep checking their profile until your fingers bleed. Every peek resets your healing clock back to zero.

Delete Their Number - Stop Being a Coward

Keeping their number is like a junkie holding onto their dealer's contact "just in case". Think you've got self-control? Here's a wake-up call: 80% of people fail at no contact when they keep that number around. You're not special - you'll forget, too.

Here are your only options:

  1. Delete it completely
  2. Give it to a friend who won't cave to your midnight desperation
  3. Block it until you get your head straight

Sure, some of you have legitimate reasons for contact, like kids. Fine. Keep it strictly business—cold, brief, and emotionless. No catching up, friendly chats, or "How are you doing?"

Your brain's going to scream for contact. It'll create a million reasons you "need" to reach out. But here's the truth: you're resetting your withdrawal clock every time you cave. Think of this as an emotional detox - it's going to hurt like hell, but it's the only way out.

The science is precise: you need complete radio silence to rewire your brain and accept it's over. This isn't about playing games or making them miss you - it's about saving your own damn life. Every time you're tempted to break no contact, remember that you choose between temporary relief and actual healing. Stop being weak. Choose healing.

Stop Being Their Ghost and Become You Again

Let's face it - you lost yourself in that relationship. Buried yourself so deep under their needs and wants that you can't even remember who you were before them—it's time to dig yourself out of that grave.

Find Your Buried Self

You bent yourself into a pretzel trying to be what they wanted. Studies show we all do it - ditching our passions, compromising our values, throwing away pieces of ourselves to keep someone happy. Ask yourself:

  • What parts of you did you kill to keep them comfortable?
  • Which dreams did you stuff in a box and forget about?
  • What fire inside you did you put out to keep their flame burning?

This isn't about becoming who you were five years ago. That person's gone. This is about finding the parts of you that got lost in the shuffle and building something stronger.

Build Your New Normal

Your old routines? They're poison right now. Science proves you need new patterns to rewire your brain. Here's how you start:

First, nail the basics. Get your ass in bed at a decent hour. Drag yourself to the gym. Studies show these simple habits pull people back from the edge. Start small - a morning walk and a journal entry before bed. Build your foundation brick by brick.

Then hit the heavy stuff. Get your body moving, especially in the morning. Research shows early workouts can save your life when you're drowning in heartbreak. Try yoga, meditation, or whatever connects you back to yourself.

Set Goals That Matter

Stop living in the past and start building your future. Studies prove that setting real goals speeds up healing. But here's the catch—they have to be YOUR goals—not your ex's, parents', or society's.

This is your chance to blow up your life and rebuild it better. Take that class you've been eyeing. Learn that skill that scares you. Push your boundaries. Every step toward personal growth rebuilds your confidence in personal development.

Here's the truth about finding yourself again: It will take time. Some days, you'll feel strong; others, you'll feel lost. That's normal. You're not just healing; you're evolving.

Keep what worked and throw out what didn't. You're not trying to erase the relationship—you're using it as fuel to become someone stronger, someone better, someone who doesn't need anyone else's approval to feel whole.

Take Back Your Damn Power

Stop playing the victim. Right now. Studies show that survivors heal faster and come back stronger than victims. Do you want to know why? Because they stopped waiting for someone to save them and started saving themselves.

Kill the Victim Mentality

You're trapped in a cycle of blame and self-pity, and it's pathetic. Research proves this mindset keeps you stuck in trauma. Here's your wake-up call:

  • Blaming others is just running from responsibility
  • Begging for validation makes you look weak
  • Your drama addiction keeps you chained to the past

Want control back? Start owning your part in this mess. Studies show that victims can't handle self-reflection. But here's the thing - you'll keep repeating the same stupid mistakes until you face your role in what happened.

Level Up or Stay Down

Here's something that'll shock you: Most people emerge stronger after breakups. Not just a little stronger. We're talking:

  • Sharper self-awareness
  • Stronger family bonds
  • Better performance at work
  • Smarter choices in relationships

Science proves that looking at this as an opportunity to grow speeds up healing. Don't try to overhaul your whole personality. Start small. Learn to admit when you're wrong—it'll take you further than trying to become a whole new person overnight.

Build Your Mental Armor

Mental strength isn't something you're born with - it's something you build. Research shows the strongest survivors share three traits:

  1. They know their triggers and how to handle them
  2. They roll with life's punches instead of fighting them
  3. They process their shit without self-destructing

And here's the kicker - self-compassion works. That means:

  • Feel your pain without beating yourself up
  • Remember, everyone goes through this hell
  • Stop treating yourself like garbage

Listen up - being mentally strong doesn't mean playing tough guy. Studies prove that setting aside specific times to feel your feelings makes you function better. Cry if you need to, scream if you must, then get back up and keep moving.

Remember this: Your breakup isn't your identity. Research shows that thinking it defines your worth prolongs your suffering. You weren't a match—that's it. It doesn't mean you're unlovable. It means you're free to find something better.

The Hard Truth About Moving Forward

Let me hammer this final truth into your skull: your brain isn't broken - it's rewiring itself. That pain tearing through your chest? It's not weakness. It's your mind rebuilding itself from the ground up, one agonizing piece at a time.

Here's what you need to do, and I'm not sugar-coating this: Cut them out of your life like a cancer. Stop living in that fantasy world where everything magically works out. Face the brutal reality of your relationship - all the ugly parts you've been avoiding. Most importantly, stop being the victim in your own damn story.

You're standing at a crossroads right now. Path one: stay stuck in this emotional quicksand, replaying memories like some sad movie on repeat. Path two: Use this pain as fuel to become stronger and better, and who doesn't need anyone else's validation to feel whole?

The choice is yours. The pain isn't going anywhere fast - but neither is the opportunity to rebuild yourself from scratch. This isn't about getting over them. It's about reclaiming your power and becoming who you were meant to be before you lost yourself in someone else's story.

Stop waiting for the pain to end. Instead, use it to forge yourself into something unbreakable. Your future is waiting. The question is: Are you ready to claim it?

Ready to Get Over Her for Good?

Get Over Her, Get Back to You is your no-BS guide to moving on and regaining your power. Stop waiting. Start rebuilding.

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